Is Your Thinking Stinking?

Your past and your future pale in comparison to what is circulating inside of your head.   The road to sin and what ales us often begins in our thought life.   And many people are addicted to their thoughts.   The Lord knowing how important our thought life is, addressed the issue in scripture:   “Above all else, guard your heart (mind) for … Continue reading

Break Every Chain

The past is woven into the fabric of our lives.  It can help us step into our future or keep us chained in to the memories of our past.  The past is an important deposit box.   It helps us to know who we are, where we came from, and it forms our self-identity as we walk … Continue reading

Holy Quietude: Our appointment with God

Being “still and quiet” is a rare commodity these days.  My world is bustling with life just as much as yours.  With family commitments, business, friends, and living in a world that doesn’t stop talking , at times, it feels like I’m on a not so “merry go-round” and I want off.  Have you ever felt that … Continue reading

Praying for Boston

In light of the tragedy that occurred in Boston on Monday, April 15th, 2013 the Lord compelled me to write words of encouragement.  I’m sure many of you have prayed and are continuing to pray for the families whose lives have been adversely affected by this devastating attack.                                                                                 In our days of trouble which occur unexpectedly, the Lord … Continue reading

The Cross– Why?

The simple answer is “LOVE.”   As it is written in the Book of Romans: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Romans 5:8 (NIV) The cross is absolutely the greatest love story of a God for His people.  God’s love for us was … Continue reading

No Where Else to Go, but God.

If I am certain about anything it is that life is uncertain.   The latest tragedies that have occurred across this beautiful country have definitely emphasized that truth.  Not only has the landscape been changed by the force of nature that has swept across the land, but the hundreds of lives of those affected by the … Continue reading

Miss Me but Let Me Go

It grieved everyone to see a woman with so much potential reduced to 68 pounds who looked older than her years lying in that coffin.   Another victim of Anorexia Nervosa. As is typical of females suffering from this disease, she was an over-achiever.    We heard about the record-setting track star during her high school and college years while … Continue reading

America, America…… Jesus Wept

 In preparing to write my initial post, there were some pictures I wanted to take of the statue of Jesus weeping.  On arriving at the location, with camera in hand, my fingers began snapping a couple of shots.  Backing away, I noticed something at the feet of Jesus. My eyes fell on a small American Flag, … Continue reading